We like to get involved in schemes that are beneficial to the wider community, free of charge. We like to think this makes a noticeable difference. Below are some kind words from some of our clients.
InnovationRCA, Royal College of Art
Carbon Accountancy has, for the past couple of years, provided very helpful guidance and advice to early stage graduate start-ups and students taking part in our entrepreneurship programmes. Feedback on this distilled practical advice has been tremendously positive.
John Leyden is a valued sounding board to InnovationRCA. He's also helped us by giving impartial, helpful guidance to our first time entrepreneurs as they found their start-ups and then later as they grapple with the essentials of running businesses. It is always reassuring to talk to John. He manages to demystify and inject humour into a fundamental of business.
Nadia Danhash, Director InnovationRCA
Mossbourne Community Academy
Mossbourne Community Academy is a school located in one of the most disadvantaged areas in the country. Our Sixth Form only opened in 2009 and the majority of its students do not have a family history of higher education. Very few have access to a network of professional contacts to guide and advise on future careers. Carbon Accountancy has helped us in the last few years to bridge this gap. John Leyden is very generous with his time and has come to the Academy to conduct practice interviews for students who envisage a career in accountancy. In addition, he has offered work experience, internships for those looking to embark on a gap year and has given advice on making the best possible applications to the large city accountancy firms. I do hope we can build on this very beneficial relationship with Carbon Accountancy.
Paula Borton, Higher Education Coordinator
Magic Breakfast
"Carbon Accountancy have provided us with a consistently high standard of professional advice and practical support. We have relied on their friendly, high quality financial service. John's generous help in the early years of the charity was invaluable & Carbon continues to provide pro bono support for our social enterprise leadership firm, Magic Outcomes. We are hugely grateful to John and his excellent team."
Carmel Mc Connell, M.MBA, F.RSA, Founder Director
Both my accounts staff and I consider ourselves very fortunate to have had such a long working relationship with Roland Klepzig and we hope that it will continue for many years to come. We would recommend them without hesitation.